Finding your why

Finding your why

Many people have ambitious goals to improve their physique. But the harsh truth is that few succeed, and even fewer can achieve change that lasts but a few fleeting moments. Fundamentally, change that sticks boils down to doing a few little things right—for a lot...
Help steer your diet in the right direction

Help steer your diet in the right direction

On Monday we covered TRAINING tips. Today, we’ll cover some key reminders to help you steer your DIET in the right direction. Let’s cover some key reminders to help you steer your DIET in the right direction. 1. Keep A Food Log. This is the most powerful tool in...
Training tips that make a big difference

Training tips that make a big difference

Before I write a post, I ask myself, “Is there a good chance the reader might learn something useful from this?” Sometimes it’s a no, so I shelve the post and start over. But occasionally it’s a BIG yes, as in there’s a ton of helpful...
Fat loss is simple

Fat loss is simple

Fat loss is very simple. Just not easy. I mean, figuring out calorie targets and planning a few meals ain’t exactly rocket science. Nor is shopping, cooking, prepping, and tracking all those meals. What IS hard? Doing all of the above for MONTHS. One thing that would...
Every fat-loss diet stalls

Every fat-loss diet stalls

Every fat-loss diet stalls. It’s really just a case of when and why. Cause fat loss is seldom linear and will invariably fluctuate anywhere from a pound or two down to a few ounces, and sometimes nothing at all. Hell, “weight” can even go UP at...