by Bryan Krahn | Nov 15, 2017 | Podcast
Outside of training volume and the amount of effort you give during each workout, there are a great number of factors that influence how well you recover from each training session. In episode 32 of the Physique Mastery Podcast we discuss; The importance of training...
by Bryan Krahn | Nov 9, 2017 | Uncategorized
Wanna know the secret to effective program design? It’s always fitting the program to the person, not the other way around. Sure there are best practices (and best arm training programs; disagree with that and I’ll fight you after school) but for the most part, a...
by Bryan Krahn | Nov 8, 2017 | Podcast
Have you heard the saying “A goal without a deadline is just a dream.” There’s a lot of merit to this statement. A concrete deadline creates a sense of urgency, especially if there is an event tied into it such as a wedding, beach vacation, photo...
by Bryan Krahn | Oct 26, 2017 | Uncategorized
I’ve worn my share of hats in the fitness industry. But if I had to distill what I do down to a clean & succinct elevator pitch it would be “I help people reach their physique goals.” Yet that’s not entirely accurate. What I really do is help solve...
by Bryan Krahn | Oct 16, 2017 | Uncategorized
Nobody wants to maintain. Everyone has a goal, and it’s always to “get somewhere” — get leaner, get bigger, drop a dress size, hit a new PR. If anything, periods of maintaining are seen as down time, even negative time, the empty gap between...