by Bryan Krahn | Feb 17, 2016 | Uncategorized
I don’t run guest blogs often. But I will make an exception when the writer is someone I like and has a message that I think needs to be heard. (A folder of inappropriate pictures and an ultimatum has nothing to do with it.) With that in mind, the following is a...
by Bryan Krahn | Feb 12, 2016 | Uncategorized
A die-hard intermittent fasting fan recently asked for my opinion of his chosen fat loss diet. Now he knows I ain’t no damn faster. But rather than beat him over the head with the usual talking points, I offered the following: “You’re getting the results...
by Bryan Krahn | Jan 5, 2016 | Uncategorized
I have some love-hate relationships. I love travelling but hate packing. I love working out but hate the laundry. And I really love good whiskey, but hate fumbling out of bed and peeing in the laundry hamper. I also love writing popular blog posts, but hate the...
by Bryan Krahn | Dec 23, 2015 | Uncategorized
New Years Eve is when many people vow to transform their bodies. Yet most will finish next year looking about the same. They might change their hairstyle or sport a new facial line or two. And many will get a bit heavier, even a lot heavier. But few go in the...
by Bryan Krahn | Dec 3, 2015 | Uncategorized
This much I know: The absolute worst diet or exercise program is the one that kills you. Fortunately, those are rare. But there are many tactics used in the pursuit of looking good that are anything but heathy, from restrictive diets and punishing workouts to...
by Bryan Krahn | Oct 30, 2015 | Uncategorized
Life teaches you things. The longer you get to live, the more you typically learn, provided you don’t program your life around a “must-see TV” schedule. It can also teach you a lot about what’s worth living for. And what’s not. A recent email on my way to the airport...