A blueprint for gains

A blueprint for gains

Bulking, massing, “improvement seasons”—whatever you choose to call it—guys are forever screwing it up. First, you’ve got your “lean gainer.” This bro is forever lamenting how he’s “tried everything,” but still can’t seem to...
Yes, there are fat-loss “secrets”…

Yes, there are fat-loss “secrets”…

Here’s something I’ve learned over the years. The more people you coach through their fat-loss journey, the more you realize that YES, there are fat-loss “SECRETS.” They just have nothing to do with food. Well, actually they do. I call them the CAKE, and...
Developing greatness

Developing greatness

This wasn’t the first time I saw Arnold at Gold’s Gym. That initial meeting was the only time I’ve ever felt star-struck. And while I didn’t start having heart palpitations or follow him from machine to machine, I did do way too many sets of leg curls next to him—and...
3 modifications for workouts after 40

3 modifications for workouts after 40

Whip out your driver’s license. If your date of birth is pre-1980, congratulations—you’re screwed. Seriously, just because you’re over 40 doesn’t mean you have to train like a geriatric after a hip replacement. In fact, some of the greatest bodybuilders in the world...