by Bryan Krahn | Nov 9, 2020 | Fit Notes
Whip out your driver’s license. Is your date of birth pre-1980? Congratulations! You’re screwed. Have a good week! If you’re past the age where living in mom’s basement is socially acceptable then according to the internet you’re at a major disadvantage. At...
by Bryan Krahn | Nov 2, 2020 | Uncategorized
Every year we hear the average person gains 2-3 pounds over the Holidays, which if ignored can obviously add up to a lot of extra chunkage. Now the solution to this is obvious: just don’t do Holidays like normal folks. Bring a low calorie meal packed in...
by Bryan Krahn | Oct 27, 2020 | Fit Notes
Monday on Facebook & IG means a bombardment of memes and captions intended to stoke the motivational fires of those on a diet and exercise plan. I appreciate the effort (and we all need a little encouragement once in a while) but I’m skeptical as to whether...
by Bryan Krahn | Oct 12, 2020 | Fit Notes
Many social media influencers copy one another, which sucks when it’s unhelpful or disingenuous drivel. I see “How to be a Man” lists on Twitter all the time. They’re always regurgitated tropes or stereotypes that are at best superficial &...
by Bryan Krahn | Oct 8, 2020 | Fit Notes
A buddy of mine is also in the fitness business and has been snake-bit lately with bad luck outside of the gym (relationships, work drama, etc). But whenever he gets too down on himself I always say the same thing: “Dude, you gotta train more.” Not that 19-inch arms...