The Washington Redtails

The Washington Redtails. Clever. Hits a lot of notes (military, black history) most everyone could get behind. Even keeps “red” in the mix for easy brand reckoning. Years ago I had a Native Studies prof who was an OG in the “pro sport teams should...

I’m getting older. Again. 🎂

As the title says: I’m getting older. 🎂 This has made me self-reflect on what I’ve learned about training over 40. I’ve even come around and changed my approach on a few ideas. So, with that as the setup, here are five key thoughts: * * * 1. As I...

Anthony Bourdain: Simplicity + Perfection

It was a rainy Saturday in June. I spent it with my kid and an Anthony Bourdain retrospective on in the background. Bourdain’s life was well-travelled and well-lived and, sadly, way too short. I miss him. I drew inspiration watching him grow. He seemed to become...

I don’t like owing anyone

Very busy spring morning. I’m speeding through email when my eye catches the little calendar icon at the bottom corner of the screen. Today’s date: the 19th. As in JUNE 19. I stop mid-scroll. For one fleeting moment I think something’s wrong. I screwed up a setting,...