Ah, the “Get a New Workout Every Month” Club

Ah, the “Get a New Workout Every Month” Club

There are MANY reasons to change up a workout. The fact that it’s April 1st should not be one of them. Ahh, the “Get a New Workout Every Month Club.” New and prospective clients like the sound of it. I even flirted with it briefly in my group training,...
There is such a thing as magic

There is such a thing as magic

There are no magic workouts or magic diets or even magic drugs. And certainly no magic supplements. But there is such thing as magic. Hard Work is Magic. Download a random program off the internet and you’ll make progress—if you bust your ass. Sleepwalking...

Life Lessons for Lifters by Milo (no, not that one)

A while back everyone was talking about some free speech blowhard named Milo. Until then, the only Milo I knew was the old powerlifting magazine and its inspiration — Milo of Croton, the mythic Greek strongman: This is what happens to bodybuilders with their head...
Always be playing

Always be playing

“just go play” If I was a professional athlete or got paid to lift weights (well, that would be cool) I’d probably approach working out a bit differently. Every rep of every exercise would be 100% about improvement. What needs to improve most?...
Better Home Gym Workouts

Better Home Gym Workouts

Last year at the end of February I began my first Covid-related home-gym program. Fast forward just a month and 90% of my time was spent re-working programs to accommodate a WIDE range of home equipment options: from beautifully equipped garage gyms with leg presses...