As much as I love being an online fitness coach, the fact that I rarely see my clients and colleagues in person can be a real drag. It’s why I always loved continuing-ed seminars. Not only are they fun and informative getaways, they allow me to meet up with...
Muscle needs an incentive to grow

Muscle needs an incentive to grow

You gotta ask for more to get your muscles to wake up and lay down new tissue: * Lift more weight * Complete more reps at the same weight * Add more working sets Otherwise, your triceps are perfectly content to sit back and relax as you fart around in front of the...
Is dieting difficult?

Is dieting difficult?

Maybe you need to rewrite your story. No, not revise your history—there’s more than enough “truth massaging” in this field already. I’m talking about changing how you think about and describe your relationship with food. For example, one of my clients always...
How far do you go?

How far do you go?

A long-term client of mine has come a LONG way on his fat loss journey. He’s basically in the top 5% of real-life 40-year-old physiques. Now they’re asking about pushing things to the next level—i.e. a visible 6 pack, veins, all that good stuff. And my response?...
Overwhelm is the killer of progress

Overwhelm is the killer of progress

Overwhelm is the killer of progress—especially with diet. And nothing adds more complexity and sucks the joy out of eating faster than tracking, particularly when you’re all-in on the scale. So how do you positively influence calories and improve your macros...