Why Is Everyone So Damn Gullible?

Why Is Everyone So Damn Gullible?

Years ago I was asked to track down the winners of the original EAS Physique Transformation Challenge. While the Phillips brothers had long since moved on and EAS faded into mass market purgatory, the contest itself might ring a bell — the winners were featured...
Bigger, Fatter… Sexier?

Bigger, Fatter… Sexier?

Is Fat Beautiful? I wasn’t looking for Tess Holliday. But there I was, checking her out anyway. At a size 22, Tess Holliday (real name Tess Munster) is the biggest plus-sized model to ever sign a major modeling contract. I only know this because that’s what the click...
You’re Fat Because You’re Stupid

You’re Fat Because You’re Stupid

You’re not that busy. It’s not a lack of focus or willpower. And it’s definitely not due to some nefarious medical condition. No, the reason you’re fat is because you’re stupid. Yes, stupid. A moron, a fool, a slack-jawed mouth-breather. Or dumb as a post, if...
Get Out of Your Own Way

Get Out of Your Own Way

I guess I’m weird. I love the New Years resolution thing. It takes courage to say, even privately, “I’m not happy with myself. I need to do better.”  It shows humility and self-awareness. Qualities I respect and admire, especially when much of the world measures worth...
Are You Worth Your Net Worth?

Are You Worth Your Net Worth?

I’ll never be rich. I’m not proud of that statement. It’s certainly not part of some happy-smiley affirmation that I recite every morning while waiting for my Eggos to toast. But it’s a fact: the Buffets, Zuckerbergs, and Gates of the world needn’t worry. I...
Muscle Musings

Muscle Musings

I’m a thief. Cause I’ve stolen everything I know about building a muscular body. I haven’t invented or discovered a damn thing. Zilch. Nor have I conducted any experiments, published any papers, and certainly haven’t been subject to peer review, unless you count the...