Flexibility and fat loss

Fat loss is simple. Just not not easy. A sustained calorie deficit, while not the ONLY thing, is definitely number one. But for many just achieving a sustained deficit is the definition of easier said than done. It’s because so many real-world obstacles come up....
Happy New Year! 🎉 Er, wait…

Happy New Year! 🎉 Er, wait…

Happy New Year! You read right. September 1st or the day after Labor Day signals the start of the real New Year. It’s when summer ends, school starts, and much of the corporate world emerges from it’s summer siesta. It’s also when many people decide it’s time to...
Dieting difficulties? Audit your self-talk

Dieting difficulties? Audit your self-talk

Is dieting difficult? Maybe you need to rewrite your story. No, not revise your history—there’s more than enough “truth massaging” in this field already. I’m talking about changing how you think about and describe your relationship with food. For example, one of...
Consistency of action

Consistency of action

How is it that some people can “easily” skip workouts or indulge in epic cheats? It’s not because they’re somehow special or fundamentally different to you. You’ve just got to realize that you’re not seeing the many months (and often years) of consistent hard work...
Happy New Year! 🎉 Er, wait…

Training on Holiday

I’m sorta on vacation. I say sorta because it’s been WAY too stressful to be considered a vacation! That’s another story. Anyway, working out on vacation is a hot topic this time of year. It’s also a source of considerable anxiety. I’ve known...