Five Boner Friday — Good Advices Edition

Five Boner Friday — Good Advices Edition

Good advice is a wonderful thing. Certainly more helpful than bad advice, which, ironically enough, often sounds at the time like really good advice. Just ask anyone nursing a pec tear after hearing “one more rep bro, its all you.” I’ve given some...
Five Boner Friday

Five Boner Friday

1. Your genes are your genes. Short, tall, wide hips, narrow shoulders, etc. There’s no changing them, and you sure can’t whine to the dealer for a better set of cards.  However, you’d be amazed how “bad genetics” seem to magically get better after a decade...
To Do or NOT To Do

To Do or NOT To Do

I’m a big picture kinda guy. And I think one way people screw up the physique transformation process is by not being that way. Or by over-compartmentalizing things.  For example, folks often have “diet food” and “regular food.” Or...