by Bryan Krahn | Aug 5, 2019 | Uncategorized
1. Less complicated, not more. Losing fat or building muscle, the fix for slow or stalled progress is rarely making things more complicated. Most of the time the solution is to do fewer things MUCH better or much harder. 2. Bodypart specialization Body part...
by Matt Dustin | Jul 11, 2019 | Uncategorized
Note From Bryan: It’s been a heck of a month. Writing, coaching, and trying to take care of clients during US and Canadian national holidays. That means no blog from me today. Instead, enjoy this guest blog from fellow coach and bro Robbie Farlow...
by Bryan Krahn | Jun 29, 2019 | Uncategorized
1. Make Wants Stronger Than Cravings I’m often asked about how I personally eat. Usually I avoid answering. For one, I don’t have a gimmick to sell, unless you can trademark high protein, moderate carbs & fat, and calories to match the goal The other issue...
by Bryan Krahn | Jun 21, 2019 | Uncategorized
Good advice is a wonderful thing. Certainly more helpful than bad advice, which, ironically enough, often sounds at the time like really good advice. Just ask anyone nursing a pec tear after hearing “one more rep bro, its all you.” I’ve given some...
by Bryan Krahn | Jun 17, 2019 | Uncategorized
1. Your genes are your genes. Short, tall, wide hips, narrow shoulders, etc. There’s no changing them, and you sure can’t whine to the dealer for a better set of cards. However, you’d be amazed how “bad genetics” seem to magically get better after a decade...
by Bryan Krahn | Jun 9, 2019 | Uncategorized
I post a ton of tips and rants on Facebook. However, some folks hate Facebook, I guess in light of the whole election hacking thing. Or perhaps they’re just annoyed by those Cliffhanger Status Updates: “Some people are so rude. You know how you are...