by Bryan Krahn | Jun 29, 2019 | Uncategorized
1. Make Wants Stronger Than Cravings I’m often asked about how I personally eat. Usually I avoid answering. For one, I don’t have a gimmick to sell, unless you can trademark high protein, moderate carbs & fat, and calories to match the goal The other issue...
by Bryan Krahn | Jun 21, 2019 | Uncategorized
Good advice is a wonderful thing. Certainly more helpful than bad advice, which, ironically enough, often sounds at the time like really good advice. Just ask anyone nursing a pec tear after hearing “one more rep bro, its all you.” I’ve given some...
by Bryan Krahn | Jun 17, 2019 | Uncategorized
1. Your genes are your genes. Short, tall, wide hips, narrow shoulders, etc. There’s no changing them, and you sure can’t whine to the dealer for a better set of cards. However, you’d be amazed how “bad genetics” seem to magically get better after a decade...
by Bryan Krahn | Jun 9, 2019 | Uncategorized
I post a ton of tips and rants on Facebook. However, some folks hate Facebook, I guess in light of the whole election hacking thing. Or perhaps they’re just annoyed by those Cliffhanger Status Updates: “Some people are so rude. You know how you are...
by Bryan Krahn | May 31, 2019 | Uncategorized
Most fitness and bodybuilding “rules of thumb” don’t stand up to rigorous scrutiny. Meaning, they’re usually kinda bullshit. Though one (or two) that seem to be true are: – People do too much off the wrong stuff – People...
by Bryan Krahn | May 17, 2019 | Uncategorized
I’m a big picture kinda guy. And I think one way people screw up the physique transformation process is by not being that way. Or by over-compartmentalizing things. For example, folks often have “diet food” and “regular food.” Or...