Counting Macros Can Kill Your Gains

Counting Macros Can Kill Your Gains

Some do well with counting macros or calories because it offers a sense of control. Especially in light of all the conflicting advice and agenda-driven bullshit that comes with the diet industry. Yet it has its drawbacks, from the accuracy of the numbers being used,...
3 Quick Tips for Those in January Mode

3 Quick Tips for Those in January Mode

As a coach I have mixed feelings about the month of January. On the one hand, business definitely picks up as people decide that this is “the year they get serious” and sign up for coaching. On the other hand, it’s a very tricky time of year as even...
Never Stop Building

Never Stop Building

I never miss an interview (or today, a podcast) with a classic bodybuilder. I’m certainly well past the arbitrary 10,000 hour benchmark (which is kind of depressing when I think about it but I’ll spare you the self-loathing). When I was young I was drawn...
The Best Ways to Manage Stress

The Best Ways to Manage Stress

There are plenty of ways to effectively reduce stress. Many impactful steps, however, might be next to impossible to implement, like reducing your daily commute or improving a toxic work environment. Furthermore, even more realistic measures can be inherently...