Always be playing

Always be playing

“just go play” If I was a professional athlete or got paid to lift weights (well, that would be cool) I’d probably approach working out a bit differently. Every rep of every exercise would be 100% about improvement. What needs to improve most?...
Better Home Gym Workouts

Better Home Gym Workouts

Last year at the end of February I began my first Covid-related home-gym program. Fast forward just a month and 90% of my time was spent re-working programs to accommodate a WIDE range of home equipment options: from beautifully equipped garage gyms with leg presses...

Are you just looking for control?

If you’re “blessed” to work with me you’ll hear a few expressions over and over. (Kinda like your 90-something-year-old uncle who tells the same war stories every Thanksgiving despite never serving in the military—though he can sure build a...

Morning routines are important, not magic

Have you seen the morning routines of some influencers or “lifestyle designers”? After the deep breathing, contrast showers, daily affirmations, meditation, journaling, brewing oolong tea, and brain dumping (probably due to too much tea) you have to wonder...

How many different exercises do you actually need?

You do NOT need to know hundreds of exercises to build a strong, jacked physique. Truth is, you can hit all the targets with fewer than 20 exercises, and 80% of the ground is covered by just 10 exercises. Ten exercises? For the whole body? Sheesh, I can rattle off 10...

On Walking

Weight training is the greatest form of exercise. The transformative effect it has on the body has no equal. But while there’s no substitute for weight training, there is a perfect complement: walking. If weight training is a rocket launch, then walking is what...