Liars & Scammers & Douchebags Part 2
Last post I introduced the top 10 fitness things that should trigger your bullshit detector and make you question what you’re reading, and the person(s) saying it. Here’s the remaining five. 6. Superhero Origins Every hero has an origin story. Peter Parker is bit by radioactive spider and becomes Spiderman; Bruce Wayne witnesses his parents’ murder and becomes Batman; Diana Prince is laid off...
Liars & Scammers & Douchebags, Oh My!
Recently best-selling author of “I Will Teach You To Be Rich” Ramit Sethi tweeted that he ranks the female fitness industry in the top 3 most deceptive industries around. As a fitness person I was offended. How could he say this? The female fitness industry is the most deceptive, hands down. Actually the whole fitness industry is the most deceptive, period. Or at least the most completely...
Leave… Gurus… Alone!
The fitness field is funny. Not as in laugh out loud – at least not intentionally – but funny in a “is this dude serious or just sort of mentally challenged” kind of way. The reasons are many, which I hope to cover soon in an actual article. But in this blog, I want to address the current industry darling, The Guru. I have a soft spot for gurus, save for the all-out hucksters and scammers, as...
The Biggest Mistake I Made Building Muscle
If something's worth doing it’s worth doing right. Good words to live by, whether it’s cooking, dating, and certainly skydiving. And it’s especially true when choosing a workout to build muscle. After all, something “average” or “ordinary” or worse “cookie cutter” will only yield average results. Definitely not worthy of your overall physical and intellectual awesomeness. You need a fully...
Valentine’s Day is for Dickheads
Celebrating Valentine's Day? Then you can add “certified dickhead” to your resume. I’d cut you slack if you were a teenager. Or if you’d just moved to this country from somewhere you’re not obligated to profess your love by springing for a prix fixe dinner. Cause if that were the case then you’d just be ignorant. A sucker. An easy score for marketers who know the heartstrings also tug the...
Fat & Weak? It’s Your Genetics
Your genetics? They suck. You always kinda knew it. You didn’t win the genetic lottery. At least not $137 million on the Power Ball – more like a free car wash on a Scratch & Win. But it does explain a lot, right? Why you can’t seem to lose weight after being sooo good on your diet all week? Or get stronger after 6 hard months of lifting? Or build a muscular body after spending your student...
Screw Cardio. Forget Fasting
The fastest way to transform your body is to weight train twice a day. If you’re one of the many who alternates weight training workouts with busting ass on a treadmill, you may be spending the same amount of time to get inferior results. Cardio “works” of course. Higher-intensity training is fantastic for athletes and for improving body composition, even finicky markers like HDL cholesterol....