Are You Worth Your Net Worth?

Are You Worth Your Net Worth?

I’ll never be rich. I’m not proud of that statement. It’s certainly not part of some happy-smiley affirmation that I recite every morning while waiting for my Eggos to toast. But it’s a fact: the Buffets, Zuckerbergs, and Gates of the world needn’t worry. I...
Muscle Musings

Muscle Musings

I’m a thief. Cause I’ve stolen everything I know about building a muscular body. I haven’t invented or discovered a damn thing. Zilch. Nor have I conducted any experiments, published any papers, and certainly haven’t been subject to peer review, unless you count the...
5 Things About Manhood

5 Things About Manhood

A friend hates my blog. “It’s boring,” he says. “I’ve read enough about training and building a bigger ass. Write something different. “Write about manhood.” What the hell do I know about manhood? Apart from being married and sitting on the wrong side of 40, I’m...
5 Matters of Muscle

5 Matters of Muscle

You’re a bodybuilder. Yeah, I get it. You don’t compete in bodybuilding competitions or a have a drawer full of posing trunks and 16th place ribbons. But you exercise primarily to look better. So you, my friend, are a bodybuilder. And the sooner you get your head out...
The Big Picture Approach to Muscle

The Big Picture Approach to Muscle

I want to look like that guy. No real man would ever say that. It’s superficial. What mature male builds their body just to look pretty? It’s weak. Girly. Non-functional. You should workout to be strong enough to deadlift a car. Or snatch double your bodyweight. Or...