Survivorship Bias in Fitness

During World War 2, the US Air Force had a problem. Planes were returning to base riddled with bullet holes, so the military decided it needed better ways to protect the planes and the crew. When they plotted out the damage the planes were incurring, it was...

Brilliant at the Basics

It’s 2001. I’m sitting in a crowded conference room in Toronto, having my first Paul Chek experience. At the time I only knew Chek as the Swiss ball guy, so I expected a speech about stabilizers, core, and functional training. Thirty minutes later and Paul...

Client Transformation: Tim’s Before & Afters

Before & afters have been part of the coaching business for decades — cause they work! They’re a powerful way to cut through the noise and reach potential new clients who want to make a similar change. I’ve always been a bit apprehensive in terms of beating the...