by Bryan Krahn | Dec 28, 2020 | Fit Notes
The reason New Year’s Resolutions get dumped on so much is that the success rate is so poor. Everyone dumps on New Years resolutions but I've seen some amazing success stories. But none started first Monday in Jan — they were thought out and practiced...
by Bryan Krahn | Dec 22, 2020 | Fit Notes
A number of clients have asked me about “bulking up” this winter. What’s fascinating is, most of these guys are well into their 40’s, when the appeal of bulking “should” be long behind them. It just goes to show something I believe with my all...
by Bryan Krahn | Dec 9, 2020 | Fit Notes
So, this happened to me the other morning: I’m on my way out of town on a long drive and I stop at the Starbucks drive-thru. As I turn to enter the drive-thru lane, a car approaches from the other entrance and turns to do the same. The Great Yuppie Stalemate...
by Bryan Krahn | Dec 1, 2020 | Fit Notes
2020 has been a real humdinger. Wildfires, protests, and even murder hornets are bad enough. But the year sure outdid itself by unleashing a plague that overwhelmed hospitals, torpedoed family gatherings, and even crippled the economy. It leads me to wonder: is there...
by Bryan Krahn | Nov 23, 2020 | Fit Notes
“Health Washing” is a pet peeve for many health advocates. It’s when food companies try to position highly processed packaged foods as “healthy” by slapping irrelevant or dubious nutritional claims on the label like “100% natural,...