10 Things Real Men Do Daily (or… not)

Many social media influencers copy one another, which sucks when it’s unhelpful or disingenuous drivel. I see “How to be a Man” lists on Twitter all the time. They’re always regurgitated tropes or stereotypes that are at best superficial &...

Going “All In”

A buddy of mine is also in the fitness business and has been snake-bit lately with bad luck outside of the gym (relationships, work drama, etc). But whenever he gets too down on himself I always say the same thing: “Dude, you gotta train more.” Not that 19-inch arms...

The Greatest Fat Loss Article to NEVER Get Published

Years ago I was at a crossroads. I was working as a personal trainer in three different gyms, plus helping a friend coach athletes at a private facility. And I was burning out fast. I needed to get off the gym floor at least a few hours a day, but I still needed to...