Here’s the deal on alcohol

Here’s the deal on alcohol

Here’s the deal on alcohol: The ideal or healthy amount of alcohol in your diet is ZERO. Zilch. Zip. Nada. Not one glass of wine a day for the resveratrol or a drink after work to take the edge off. The much celebrated health benefits were all a ruse. A case of...
“I’m sorry I let you down.”

“I’m sorry I let you down.”

I hear it from clients from time to time. I’m sorry I let you down. It happens after a rough stretch where they fail to hit the process targets required to reach their goals, and the calendar is now their enemy. I tell them that life happens and they haven’t let...
Planned cheat meals vs. “mulligans”

Planned cheat meals vs. “mulligans”

I get a variation of this question from clients about once a week: Hey Coach, I’m starting to dread the weekends, mainly because of cheat meals. Sometimes I go overboard when I start eating and they become full blown cheat days. It’s like a slippery slope...