Muscle? Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That

Muscle? Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That

I read my email right away. I know it would be smarter to set a block of time and read it all in batches, but I’m just not that disciplined. Perhaps I’m still a big, impulsive kid at heart, secretly hoping that this is email is finally the one from Nick Fury and the...
Who Stole The Soul?

Who Stole The Soul?

Most guys train like zombies. Mindless, soulless, and seemingly clueless members of the growing fraternity of weight training undead. On the one hand they’re “there.” As in present. In the gym, in expensive shorts and trendy minimalist shoes. They’ve foam rolled (oh...
Get A Grip!

Get A Grip!

Muscle is a mind-game. Put another way, the most impressive physique you see at the gym is rarely the largest or the leanest. Or even the largest AND the leanest. Instead, it’s typically the one with the best proportions. No muscle group too big or too small, and...
Over 35? You’re Screwed.

Over 35? You’re Screwed.

Over 35 years old? You’re pretty much screwed. That’s it for this blog post. Have a good week! Seriously, if you’re past the age where living in mom’s basement is socially acceptable, you’re at a major disadvantage. At least in terms of building your body. It’s not...
My Muscle Principles

My Muscle Principles

Miss me yet? As the tired expression goes, rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. Or more appropriately, I’m not dead, just in Canada; a polite version of purgatory. No, the reason for no blog post last week is that I simply got swamped with good...
Seduced & Screwed by Strength

Seduced & Screwed by Strength

You know what you’re doing. No “just get a pump” workouts for you. You’re too smart for that. Instead you’re following a popular “strength routine.” Your numbers are based off a “training max” and the weekly progression is conveniently plotted in an iPhone app. Like I...