The Best Teacher is Experience

The past few years I've come full circle. When I was a kid through my 20’s, I wanted to be a card-carrying musclehead. I was never too concerned with the competitive side of the sport. What happened on contest day didn’t do much for me. Instead I was far more interested in all the variables that had to be considered leading up to show day, and beyond: Diet Training history Lifestyle Genetics...

When in Doubt … Work Harder.

In training, finding "your working gear" is everything. It's that zone where all the noise drifts away, allowing your brain and body to fully get in sync. Now it's not avoiding all distractions or human interaction like some insufferable asshole. (What's wrong with a pleasant exchange now and then?) It's much deeper than that. More the removal of any physical self doubt, allowing for the...

Your To-Do List Isn’t Enough

Perhaps I’m bass-ackwards… But when I want to quickly improve my own body composition, I don’t kick things off with a laundry list of Fat Loss To-Dos. Instead, I always strike a balance of Ying and Yang, good cop bad cop, strikes and gutters. In other words, I establish a few key positive, actionable tasks that will help me lose fat. And balance it with things I need to STOP doing. A Not To Do...

Thoughts on “Fitspo”

The "build a better body" side of the fitness industry has always tip-toed the delicate line between inspiring people and preying upon insecurity. And while women are expressing frustration at the exploitative nature (and rightfully so), just remember "they" came after the men decades ago -- when Charles Atlas and the "chest expander" was hawked to teenagers to help you A) look like Atlas...

Lose Fat, Get Healthy, and Stop School Shootings

School shootings affect me greatly, privately. Even more so since becoming a father. I’m not alone. My social media feed in the hours (minutes?) following these horrific events is a visceral stream of anguish and demands for change. But while offering sympathy (and thoughts & prayers) is easy, affecting change has proven to be much trickier. Because even before the victims families could be...

Is Music Killing Your Workouts?

Distracted driving is a problem. So is distracted eating, distracted working, even distracted communicating. I'd add distracted exercising to the growing list of focus issues. Research on distracted driving suggests there's more to it than just the phone or the driver's vision being diverted -- its mental focus being shifted to areas not related to the road. Lifting weights to build your body is...

How To Be a Lean, Strong Man Over 40

Here’s the scene. I’m on a FaceTime call with a long-term client. We’re supposed to be reviewing his progress -- how training is going, can he squat a Brooklyn-bound L train yet, has he been able to establish a diet rhythm, etc. Instead we’re picking my program apart. His elbow is a mess. All pull-up variations are out except for using a close, neutral grip. His left knee pops whenever he steps...