The “build a better body” side of the fitness industry has always tip-toed the delicate line between inspiring people and preying upon insecurity.

And while women are expressing frustration at the exploitative nature (and rightfully so), just remember “they” came after the men decades ago — when Charles Atlas and the “chest expander” was hawked to teenagers to help you A) look like Atlas (inspire) and B) beat up the bully kicking sand in your face (insecurity).

Those painfully obvious pain points are still the top dogs.

But over the last two decades, I’ve noticed a few more added to the marketing mix.

1) “Training (exercise) is war/battle; don’t be a snowflake, etc.”

Guys who lift weights and buy supplements tend to be right of center. There’s nothing wrong with being conservative of course, just the industry pandering to this “base” gets a little silly. Especially considering bodybuilding’s super-lefty roots in So-Cal gay subculture.

2) “What’s Your Excuse?”

This one legit pisses me off as anyone who coaches people will tell you there are PLENTY of perfectly reasonable explanations for not having abs when you have three kids and a career. In fact, there are reasonable explanations when you’re 25 and single and work as a doorman.

Not saying it’s an impossibility, just that the marketing is misleading and malicious.

3) “It’s Easy!”

I watched a Nutri-System ad on TV — the copy was “its not hard; you eat the food, you lose the weight.”

What a bunch of horseshit. Changing your body (significantly, to a fit-spo level) may not be complicated but it is EXTREMELY hard and takes a long time. And thats the rub — because it takes so damn long, those who are successful become adapted and simply forget how hard it actually is for someone new to it.

In closing, figure out what your personal pain points are and get to know them intimately….

Because the industry is very good at figuring them out too, and will attack them with not so much as a single fuck given towards trivial matters like your health, happiness, and self-esteem.