10 Ways to Be A Better Human in 2016

I have some love-hate relationships. I love travelling but hate packing. I love working out but hate the laundry. And I really love good whiskey, but hate fumbling out of bed and peeing in the laundry hamper. I also love writing popular blog posts, but hate the mercenary approach required. Suppose you want your writing to “go viral” –- to get shared by so many of your friends and colleagues that...

How To Transform Your Body Forever

New Years Eve is when many people vow to transform their bodies. Yet most will finish next year looking about the same. They might change their hairstyle or sport a new facial line or two. And many will get a bit heavier, even a lot heavier. But few go in the direction they wanted, and next to none will “transform” for life. I’ve seen a few amazing transformations in my time. I’ve also witnessed...

Dangerous Fitness Traps That Make You Better

This much I know: The absolute worst diet or exercise program is the one that kills you. Fortunately, those are rare. But there are many tactics used in the pursuit of looking good that are anything but heathy, from restrictive diets and punishing workouts to dangerous drugs and sketchy supplements. Most assume that bodybuilders and fitness chicks are the biggest offenders. And while there’s no...

How To Win or Lose at Mid-Life

Life teaches you things. The longer you get to live, the more you typically learn, provided you don’t program your life around a “must-see TV” schedule. It can also teach you a lot about what’s worth living for. And what’s not. A recent email on my way to the airport set the tone for this post. It was a link to an article called “Workout Guidelines for Men over 40.” Most articles and...

10 Ways to Look Better

“The saddest thing in life is wasted talent, and the choices that you make will shape your life forever.” – A Bronx Tale Not every dude can look like a model. No magic workout or miracle skin cream or even plastic surgeon could transform Gary Busey into Charlie Hunnam. Yet we all have potential to look just a little bit better than we presently do – some of us a lot. Yet only a charmed few get...

The Biggest Lesson The Gym Has Taught Me

 Working out is my therapy. My daily dose of heavy iron keeps me a sorta sane, marginally productive member of society. I’d be lost without it. Or at least doing six months house arrest for road rage. The gym is also an incredible teacher, if you’re willing to learn. Stick around long enough and you’ll get schooled in goal setting, tenacity, even pain tolerance, not to mention the merits of...

How To Weight Train Without Getting Hurt

I have a stalker. It started with emails and Facebook messages. It progressed to voice mails and increasingly desperate sounding texts. Last night, I found a business card on my car with just three words on the reverse, written in tear-smudged ink: I miss you. It’s not an adoring female fan. Hell, it’s not even a female. It’s my chiropractor. I’ve never been a “see my chiropractor or soft tissue...