What will you focus on during the shutdown?
Something I've noticed this week. Those using the shutdown to try new things or even just get caught up on cleaning are a LOT happier than those fixating non-stop on the things they temporarily can't do. I mean, in 4 (8-12?) weeks you can return to the gym with: lower resting heart rate from the steady state cardio you're been doing every day; leaner and in better diet rhythm from working on...
Another 30 Days of No Gym?
Here's an option: Don't just do your cardio -- TRAIN your cardio. A few years ago cardio—especially steady state cardio—was finally released from the fitness penalty box by a few very smart bros (Alex Viada and Luke Leaman among them) after being sent there for no good reason. The bad rap on cardio was either taken grossly out of context (jacks up cortisol, eats up muscle tissue) or a steaming...
Given everything… is a patched-together home workout the best use of your time?
These are stressful times. I worry about my future and my wife's (who's now out of work) and our family's way of life. I also worry about my clients, if they're all doing okay. The gyms being closed doesn’t help with the stress levels, since working out is a great way to blow off steam. So I'm providing training program modifications to allow for home workouts, which of course is the least I can...
The Haves and the Have-Nots …. and An ASSIGNMENT!
THIS SUCKS. Staying at home, no gym, no coffee shop, work chaos, and ever-growing money stress. Oh, and my city JUST shut down all playgrounds. So now my two-year old is stuck chasing my bulldogs around the house with a mop. This is bullshit. It’s not fair! Then again, it could be WAY worse. And it's ALREADY way worse for many already: servers, bartenders, in-person fitness trainers. What a kick...
Stay Positive: This Too Shall Pass
“The pessimist sees a problem in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every problem.” - Cardi B Expressions like the above wear a little thin when it's you that's neck deep in said problem. Also, before I get 100 well ack-shually emails: yes, I'm aware Cardi B is not the originator of that quote. For many today that's being stuck at home, can't workout, investments dwindling,...
So, you suddenly need to train at home…
I've been tweaking workouts to accommodate home gyms if (when?) commercial gyms are required to close. For folks who have a barbell, weights, dumbbells, adjustable bench, and squat rack (ideally), I can make most anything work. But for those with just resistance bands and maybe an exercise mat (like yours truly), its decidedly tougher. So how would I train if I got an email today saying my gym...
Thanks to Daylight Savings Time the Zombie Apocalypse is Coming
FORGET CORONAVIRUS. THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE IS COMING THIS MONDAY. And you can thank the switch to Daylight Savings Time. When I started coaching I was obsessed with learning all the cutting edge details of fat loss, such as different protocols, magic hacks, supplements, and every trivial nuance. As I got busier I realized that the basics (calorie control, tracking, progressive training, sleep,...