Staying at home, no gym, no coffee shop, work chaos, and ever-growing money stress.

Oh, and my city JUST shut down all playgrounds. So now my two-year old is stuck chasing my bulldogs around the house with a mop.

This is bullshit.

It’s not fair!

Then again, it could be WAY worse.

And it’s ALREADY way worse for many already: servers, bartenders, in-person fitness trainers. What a kick to the gonads. My heart goes out to them.

And it especially sucks for those with family in hospital or in nursing homes they’re not permitted to see.

So if you’re blessed to have some income and a comfortable home to hunker down in, you’re way ahead. Especially if it’s filled with family and fur-babies and food and FaceTime.

Now add some free time to clean, organize, write, work on a hobby or new revenue stream, and do some mobility work (and Netflix) it’s just not so bad.

It will get worse; that we all know. But for many of us, it could always be WAY worse.

And it will NOT last forever.

So, to that end…

I challenge everyone reading to reply or comment with ONE POSITIVE that you think will come out of this significant disruption to our daily lives.

Is it employers realizing SO MANY jobs can be performed at home, thereby reducing traffic and congestion?

Is it more families eating at least dinner together and continuing the tradition even after normalcy resumes?

Is it young people being exposed to Rambo and Commando and Bloodsport and finally realizing THAT is what an action hero is supposed to look like?

(But no, not to the point they get Bigorexia and take a suitcase full of steroids, blah blah don’t @ me.)

If that happens just show them this anti-steroid PSA from Ben Affleck.


Send me your positives people!

– – –

Oh, and if you are stuck without a gym and want a proper workout? I stole this dandy from BornFitness. All you need is a $10 door chin-up bar:

3 bodyweight moves. 20 minutes. One incredible full-body workout.

Set a 20-minute clock. Perform as many rounds and reps possible of the following exercises:
• Pushups
• Pull-ups
• Air Squats (10 reps each round)
Do 1 set of pushups, then 1 set of pull-ups, then 1 set of 10 squats. Your goal is do as many rounds as you can in 20 minutes.
Use strict form.

Pro tip: Don’t take your sets to failure. In fact for pull-ups you’ll need to stop at around 20-30% each set. So, if you can do 10 pull-ups, only do 2-3 pull-ups each round. Trust me. Otherwise, you’re going to burn out.
** I’m working this into the 30-Day 100-push ups a day Challenge (exactly how it sounds; 100 push ups a day, every day, for a month — a great shock for bigger pecs) and combining with my “Base-4” of:

  • one hour walk a day
  • 99% clean & tracked diet
  • 8 hours quality sleep
  • one hour de-stressing (calling friends, reading, having fun)

We’re all in this together. And this too shall pass.
