You Can’t Keep Adding
One of my favourite sayings concerning exercise programming is: YOU CAN'T KEEP ADDING. Meaning exercises, workouts, cardio & conditioning workouts, or even just stuff to do (or try to remember to do) -- there's a limit to how much you can add! Everything has a cost in terms of time, energy, and focus versus overwhelm. Another way of looking at it is everything you do or make time for writes...
The Dead Zone
Welcome to The Dead Zone. I've written this to clients so many times over the years I figured I'd make it into a post. You know the expression “it’s not how you eat between Xmas and New Years that matters, it’s how you eat between New Years and Xmas?” There's a lot of truth to it. One week isn’t a lot of time, no matter how badly you eat. Especially if there’s another 51 weeks to treat your body...
Your dedication gives you freedom
You might’ve noticed I’ve generally been absent from social media (except for Instagram Stories, which I fire off on the fly as I go about my day). The main reasons have been “too damn busy” with normal client work and things like preparing for the Silverback Summit at the end of October, so social media was the first thing to get chopped. Plus the weather here in the mountains (at least until...
Stop buying fitness gadgets
Stop buying fitness gadgets. Barbells, plates, dumbbells, benches, etc. have been around for 100 years. Jack LaLanne, the first fitness influencer, invented the cable-pulley machine in the 1950s. Though I wouldn’t be surprised if some yoked Soviet lumberjack beat him to it. Those dudes know lifting. Why do you think they’re called lumberJACKS? There's a reason those things have remained gym...
Don’t chase novelty, chase results
Changing your training program every 4 weeks is very popular. It's also one of the dumbest things you can do. Much of the “gains” you experience in the first few weeks of a new program are neural i.e., your nervous system getting used to the workout and the exercises. It's not until after this break-in period that any increases in strength are more likely due to gains in muscle tissue. By...
3 Reasons You’re Not Adding Muscle
Let's be clear: there could be many reasons you're not adding appreciable muscle to your physique. On some level, everything matters. Total volume, training frequency, diet and nutrition, exercise selection, recovery and stress management, sleep quality, hormones, and especially effort. The list can be long. But all things being equal, with a modest calorie surplus and some consistent hard...
Building muscle with a solid foundation
"I want to build muscle but I keep reading that I should get lean first or it won't work. Is that just BS?" Sorta. It depends on the physical state of the person (how fat they are), their goals, and even some non-physical factors. The internet gurus say you have to be lean before you assertively eat to add muscle, even giving hard targets like "under 10% body fat, otherwise you need to lose fat...