This is Helmut Strebl

This is Helmut Strebl

One of the most shredded guys on the internet. Google him. Just prepare to feel like a fat turd. Recently, a flimsy article ran with Helmut’s image and the usual clickbait to “see his secret diet.” The diet was probably bullshit, but at least it suggested...
Should you train on vacation?

Should you train on vacation?

Working out on vacation is a hot topic this time of year. And understandably, it’s also a source of considerable anxiety. ‘Cause I’ve known people who stress so much about training on holiday that they quite literally turn vacation upside down to find a...
The Rock Lied

The Rock Lied

Responding to questions with nothing more than “it doesn’t matter” has to STOP. “How many reps should I do?” Doesn’t matter. Just work to near failure. “Should I eat toast or oatmeal?” Doesn’t matter. A carb is a carb. Often...
Punch the clock

Punch the clock

A big problem with the health and fitness industry is a proclivity to strip all nuance from complex topics to make everything a neat, shareable soundbite. This perpetuates a one-size-fits-all fallacy that fails to consider individual circumstances, leading to poor...


As much as I love being an online fitness coach, the fact that I rarely see my clients and colleagues in person can be a real drag. It’s why I always loved continuing-ed seminars. Not only are they fun and informative getaways, they allow me to meet up with...