It was cool and rainy when I woke up Saturday but I suppose that’s fitting, given it was the anniversary of Anthony Bourdain’s death.

I miss Bourdain. I feel like I knew him. I definitely could relate to his long & winding journey, his restless nature, even his demons.

He was a gifted writer with a sharp wit and curious mind, who didn’t hit his stride until middle age when he finally went all-in on his talent and started pushing through the doors that emerged for him.

Yet despite his success he remained true to himself, a double-edged sword as it meant he was never really happy.

He quickly grew cynical of the vapid bullshit brought about by celebrity, especially having to rub shoulders with fake, self-absorbed “industry people.”

Still, he didn’t take his platform for granted. Instead he used it to give a voice to the unheard: ordinary people in distant places living normal lives.

The underlying theme was still food yet the former chef now viewed food as a regular person: if it tasted good and made you feel good, it was good. Who cares what some dip-shit foodie says?

He championed an honest approach to cooking, saying perfect food required no fuss. Begin with the best ingredients, prepare them simply and let the food speak.

Then share the experience with someone. Not with fans or “followers” but with your real friends and family. Or even the ordinary stranger sitting alone at the next table. They’re real too.

As I’ve gotten older I’ve adopted a more honest approach to training and nutrition.

Take the best exercises—FOR YOU—and execute them as best you can.

Try to add weight or reps or just do the work better. Do that consistently, for years. Don’t do anything stupid like work thru pain or try to be someone you’re not.

Food is even simpler: eat whole unprocessed foods in reasonable portions. Don’t overeat but make sure to eat enough protein. Don’t follow fads.

If you’re fat, eat less.

If you’re a little hungry, don’t freak out. It means you’re probably getting leaner.

This will account for 80% of your success.

Boring? Ordinary?

Perhaps. The alternative is to chase trends or follow flashy influencers with their polarizing opinions about damn near everything.

But they’re not really here for you. They’re in it for clout, not connection. Trying to rise above the noise that only gets louder.

I’ll stick with real and honest.

What’s ordinary, works.

What’s boring, is beautiful.

– Coach Bryan