Here’s the deal on alcohol:

The ideal or healthy amount of alcohol in your diet is ZERO.

Zilch. Zip. Nada.

Not one glass of wine a day for the resveratrol or a drink after work to take the edge off. The much celebrated health benefits were all a ruse. A case of “when marketing meets wishful thinking.”

The results from multiple randomized trials keep rolling in and they’re unequivocal: any amount of alcohol, even one drink, is a step away from health.

It’s also a physique destroyer. Not just due to the calories, which can be accommodated for, but the deleterious effects on sleep, recovery, hunger cues, and even hormones.

Now can you drink a little and get in shape? Of course.

Can you drink on holidays and get in shape? Again: Yes.

How much you can drink, and how often, and how much it’ll affect your physique goals will vary from person to person. This also doesn’t take into account that alcohol can be very addictive (and that too can vary from person to person).

My point is that no amount of alcohol is healthy or helpful or has any strictly physical benefit beyond how it might make you feel.

For that reason you still might wanna indulge and that’s totally cool. Just be informed and make an adult decision.

– Coach Bryan