Why Healthy Habits Don’t Work
The health industry has entered the Age of Enlightenment. Science, reason, analysis, and skepticism are replacing gimmicks, gadgets, and asinine “5 protein shakes a day” diets. People are waking up and demanding better. Emerging from this refreshing Age of Reason has been the concept of healthy habits. The old school sledgehammer approach – “Follow this meal plan, dickhead” -- is obsolete,...
3 Things the Gym Taught Me…This Week
"I’ve learned more in the gym than I ever did in school.” I hate that line. So the gym taught you how to read and spell and do long division and understand the 100 or so historical references in the song We Didn't Start The Fire? Ayatollahs in Iran, Russians in Afghanistan. That’s some gym you belong to, sport. On the contrary, gyms have rarely been the epicenter of intelligence in my...
Is Natural Bodybuilding A Scam?
Natural bodybuilding has come a long way. Twenty years ago it was considered the bastard stepchild to “real” bodybuilding, where the guys (and girls) show up onstage either ripped but kinda small, or big but not too lean. As such, Natural competitions were considered “low end stepping stones,” receiving cursory coverage in the back of muscle magazines after ads for Hot Stuff and Zubaz pants....
The Different Sides of Fat Loss
Recently sports apparel brand Under Armour acquired MyFitnessPal for something ridiculous like 400 million dollars. For those that don’t know, MyFitnessPal is one of many health-tracking apps that allow users to keep an online food journal, so your daily calorie intake (and how many calories you have left to “spend” on ice cream) is as close as your smart phone. Now while this lit a fire under...
Only Listen to Fit People About Fitness
Does being in great shape make you a better fitness pro? Vince Lombardi, Bill Belichick, and Bill Parcells all had forgettable careers as pro football players. Still, each appears on everyone's list of Top Football Coaches of All Time. On the other hand, Wayne Gretzky was arguably the greatest hockey player of all time. Yet his success behind the bench isn’t putting him on any NHL team’s...
5 Reasons Your Muscle Building Days Are Done
“What happens on Facebook, should stay on Facebook.” Most people either take it way too seriously (you know the butthurt types) or they post without thinking, something I’ve been guilty of. And neither results in an illuminating discussion. Still, I found myself in a thread about building muscle that led me to consider much bigger issues – genetics, knowledge, aging, and above all, the power of...
Hollywood Muscle is Awesome — But You’re Not
You can tell a lot about a man by how he reacts to muscle. At least I can tell whether I want to spend any time with them. Guys, what’s your gut reaction when you see a jacked movie star or fitness model? Does you think it’s cool? Inspiring? Even feel a little envious, in a “shit that dude looks great” mutual admiration sort of way? Or do you cry foul, and piss and moan online about all the...