To Do or NOT To Do
I'm a big picture kinda guy. And I think one way people screw up the physique transformation process is by not being that way. Or by over-compartmentalizing things. For example, folks often have "diet food" and "regular food." Or they only do cardio when dieting, or practice healthy habits only when actively trying to lose fat, then let it slide the rest of the year. To that end, I'd...
Your Body is Not a Calendar
12-week bulks. 4-week mini-cuts. 8-week chest specialization phases. Stop the Insanity! Breaking down your training (and diet) into phases is good planning and usually more effective in the long run. But these convenient deadlines are self-imposed and often totally arbitrary. It's far wiser to LET RESULTS DICTATE WHAT YOU DO. If you're 12 weeks into a 16-week bulk and already...
The Best Workout System for More Muscle
If I had to pick a favorite programming tool or concept or not-so-weird trick it would be supersets. A superset is two exercises performed back to back. Sometimes you rest between the two drills (it depends on the goal) though you always rest after the second exercise. Supersets can be used to increase training density, improve mind muscle connection, bring up a weak point, enhance...
The Mirror Has Two Faces
Life is about mastering skills and overcoming adversity, and building your body is no different. As a coach I try to identify a person's strengths and weaknesses fast as it helps determine the focus of the plan in terms of exercises, lifestyle, and where we need to note the wins and work on the losses. What's interesting (at least to me) is how someone's greatest strengths often mirror their...
Do You Need to Be Told You’re Dying To Start Living?
Alex Trebek announced he has advanced-stage pancreatic cancer. While treatment has come a long way, that's still a dire diagnosis. Especially if you're pushing 80 years old. Trebek, always a pro, delivered the bad news with professionalism and textbook Canadian humor, saying he needed to beat the disease to fulfill his Jeopardy hosting contract. But he knows his odds of winning this fight aren't...
Your Own Hollywood Transformation
People love Hollywood physique transformations. "How did they change so fast?" we ask, as if what prevents the everyday person from achieving similar results is a secret workout or diet and not a combination of great genetics, unlimited resources, and good ol' Hollywood magic (wardrobe, lighting, and anabolics). Then there are reverse transformations: stars who for a brief time go from beautiful...
Do You Believe in Magic?
Probably not. But I do. Hard Work is Magic. Follow a so-so free workout program off the 'net and you'll make progress — if you work hard. Whereas the Perfect Program will do next to nothing if you sleepwalk through it. Consistency is Magic. Three days of "perfect" eating followed by two of whatever won't accomplish anything. But a month of 90% compliance or only one or two off-plan meals a...