The ideal amount of alcohol in your diet is ZERO

PSA: The ideal or healthy amount of alcohol in your diet is ZERO. Zilch. Zip. Nada. Not one glass of wine a day for the resveratrol or a drink after work to take the edge off. The much-celebrated health benefits were all a ruse—a classic case of "when marketing meets wishful thinking." The results from multiple randomized trials keep rolling in and they’re unequivocal: ANY amount of alcohol—even...

The 4 parts to the fat loss process

Last year a client set a goal to be photo-lean in relatively short order. Things didn't go well. Now, I never say "I told you so," but in this instance, I wanted to. Because back when she told me her goal, she also mentioned an upcoming vacation to Italy while "sticking to the plan." My first words were, "That's gonna be tough." Sadly, I was right. The gym situation near her sucked, and the food...

How to maintain without stress while on the road

I often get asked about eating on the road. If it's a vacation or break, I do NOT track or even watch what I eat. But I don't binge or go out of my way to eat “junk,” either. Mostly I try to be in the moment. That means focusing more on WHERE I am and WHO I'm with and letting food be a part of my day. However, if it's more of a business trip or if I have a goal looming, I'm much more actionable...

Don’t wait, start living

I'd no idea it was National Sons Day or that it even existed. And my initial reaction was, why? Every day already revolves around my son, who at six years-old is a turbulent mix of wants & needs that dominate my schedule and my wallet. But I’ll let him have this day. He didn’t arrive until I was deep in my forties and yet has taught me so much about life. 1. Don’t wait to start a family....

Think big, act small

Nothing tramples progress faster than "ah-screw-it” absolutist thinking. Let’s say you’ve had a strong week on the diet front, prepping and eating all your meals to plan. Until Friday rolls around… and you ditch another Tupperware meal at your desk to join your co-workers on the patio for tacos and drinks. No big deal. But then ah-screw-it swoops in, and suddenly you’re considering making the...

Flexibility with your programming

A big reason "flexible dieting" is so popular is that it dramatically reduces stress. All food is now suddenly fair game. More importantly, from a practicality and sustainability perspective, on-the-fly changes, travel modifications, and restaurant meals become SO much easier—just as long as you "crunch the numbers." It seems a little wiggle room makes things easier in the real world, eh? But...

Where the real magic happens

The older you get, the harder it is to build muscle. Specifically, new muscle tissue—not maintaining what you already have. 'Cause if you're in your fifties and in good overall health, preserving the muscle you've built over the years is mostly straightforward. But adding NEW muscle as you get into the later years? Especially if you are close to your "genetic ceiling"—that's MUCH more...