The New Year is almost here.

Like everyone working in fitness I have a LOT to do.

Training programs to design, emails to answer, newsletters to write, client consults to prep for. And “helpful content” to create.

None of which is rocket science. But it’s all time consuming, especially if you’re of the mind that any work worth doing is worth doing well.

And I can always put in more effort, make it a little better, add more, produce more. That bucket is never filled.

But I’ve realized I can’t get more TIME.

The day after Christmas was snowy. I was “working ahead” while my kid played in the next room.

I looked out the window and saw a fellow Dad pulling his young son down the street in a sled. The boy was around 3 years old and stoked to be “flying” through the fresh snow behind his Dad.

I thought, “I’m gonna do that with my son today.” Then I remembered: he’s 7 years-old, and a BIG 7.

He wouldn’t be into it. Maybe flying down a hill at 50 mph with his friends, but definitely not getting dragged down the street by his Dad.

Those days are gone. He’s still a boy but not a little boy. Life moved on. And even though I was with him every day, I feel like I missed part of it.

Someone said you have until about age 10 to be a hero to your kid. Until then that’s ALL they really want, for you to be their superhero.

It’s not even that hard: you just have to be there and be present. I’ve done okay in that role but I could’ve been better. I should’ve been better.

So I have about 2.5 years left. A good chunk of time but it won’t be enough. I suppose it’s never enough. That’s on me.

In the coming days I’ll have “content” about diet and exercise and training for older dudes who want to get healthy and jacked.

I have a lot of advice to share, things I’ve learned over the years. Stuff that matters a lot more than the latest internet fight on training frequency or carb timing.

But today’s message is more important. It’s to never lose sight of what really matters, and to never lose track of time.

Because time doesn’t stop and it NEVER goes backwards.

If anything, it ACCELERATES.

And all we control is where we spend it.

Choose wisely.

– Bryan