“Maintaining” Might Be More Important Than “Gaining”

Nobody wants to maintain. Everyone has a goal, and it's always to "get somewhere" -- get leaner, get bigger, drop a dress size, hit a new PR. If anything, periods of maintaining are seen as down time, even negative time, the empty gap between periods where you make leaps in progress. To some, maintenance offers no plus side beyond the obvious rest and recovery. It's because the constant pressure...

Kick Off The Training Wheels

Learning the calorie counts of your favorite foods and tracking them is a highly effective fat loss tool. However, for sustainable, life-long success you need to learn to differentiate between what's true hunger and what's merely cravings, boredom, habit, etc. Catch is, you can't master the latter unless you temporarily step away from the former. But most people are unsuccessful at making the...

I Will Always Be A Personal Trainer

A high school friend who chose a more conventional career (finance) loves to take good-natured jabs at what I do for living. “Dude, writing training programs? You might as well say you work in the toy department.” In a way, he’s right. I love writing training plans – the problem solving, the trouble shooting, and then progressing. I could do it 20 hours a day and it would still never feel like...

Stop Making Fat Loss So Complicated

There’s an old expression: Fat loss is simple. Just not easy. Co-coach Scott Tousignant and I don’t think truer words have ever been spoken. Fat loss boils down to a handful of physiological factors, with “maintaining a calorie deficit” being the big kahuna. Add to that “regular exercise including resistance training” and “eat sufficient protein” and you’ve moved most of the big rocks. But when...

On Real World “Foodies”

My old client Doug (not commenting on your age haha) is one of those folks that rarely need me to check on their food choices.  Because he's the right kind of "foodie." Now the word "foodie" became popular a few years ago with the explosion of The Food Network and many others like it. Suddenly everyone was "passionate" about kale and quinoa and the perils of perfecting risotto while spending...

The 3 Out of 4 (or 4 Out of 5) Diet

You poor people have all heard me blather on about getting into a pattern when it comes to eating, i.e., trying to eat the same stuff every day. Yeah, I know it's boring. That's why it works! The body thrives in a pattern, and consistency and discipline are closely linked. Just ask any bodybuilder whose ever gotten super lean -- there ain't a lot of winging it. Not to mention it's much easier...

Check All The Items

Few things are more frustrating than an injury, especially one that prevents working out altogether. They're also basically inevitable. While powerlifters and contact sports athletes are at a much greater risk of suffering a big "career ender" versus someone who just trains to look good, at some point even recreational lifters will find themselves hobbled by a tweaked lower back, stiff neck,...