Here’s a dandy for the 160-pound “I get fat when I bulk” types:

UFC star Jon Bones Jones has spent the past year eating and training to reach Heavyweight, under the watchful eye of one of the best in bodybuilding, Stan Efferding.

He’s currently 250 pounds (holy shit!) and learning to own the new weight, getting comfortable moving, training, striking, and recovering at that size.

Now, the pic isn’t all good news: Jones has put on some chunk with that mass.

Yet he boasts that he will be sporting a clear six pack within a month.

And he’s right.

Let’s be clear: Jones is a FREAK. But there’s a lesson here for everyone. The only way a non-newbie can gain a significant amount of lean mass quickly — natural or assisted — is to add a lot of bodyweight and then clean it up later. Period.

You may not enjoy it (I doubt Jones enjoyed feeling winded and sluggish) and just prefer to take it slow and easy, for your own reasons.

You may be too out of shape, or in poor health, or too beat up, or legit too old, or just like how you look right now. (Or secretly don’t like how you look but are way too attached to the mirror and external validation to ever gain weight).

Or you may be way too busy doing other things in life. All of these excuses/explanations are acceptable. #YouDoYou

But if that’s the case, then you’re not allowed to complain about being undersized due to bad genetics, being a hard gainer, “being natty,” or claim that gaining weight doesn’t work.

And before you go, for my sake, do some quick math. How many years have you spent going slow & steady, gaining a pound or two a year (or trying to)? How far has it gotten you?

Now how many years do you realistically have left to play this game at an effectively high level?

If you feel you still have a few good years left, are you content spending them coasting into retirement?

The steps required are as plain as day. Whether you choose to follow them is up to you.