Have you seen the morning routines of some influencers or “lifestyle designers”?
After the deep breathing, contrast showers, daily affirmations, meditation, journaling, brewing oolong tea, and brain dumping (probably due to too much tea) you have to wonder if anyone has a job, much less a family.
Bullshit notwithstanding, morning routines are still essential.
A series of daily rituals establishes a subconscious rhythm that helps control the chaos, so you can accomplish more meaningful work every day.
However, the key is just HAVING a routine, not necessarily what it’s composed of.
So, for a normal person with kids and a job, it might be:
- get up at 5:30;
- drink coffee;
- feed dogs;
- eat breakfast/get ready for work;
- get kids up/dressed;
- pack lunches;
- somehow get boots on;
- fight over which Spider-man backpack to send them to school with.
Good enough to get you out the door.
But with a few tweaks (and a bit less sleep), a morning routine like this one can also address your health and fitness priorities:
- get up at 4:30;
- drink 16 oz water;
- feed & walk dogs 15 mins (sunlight!);
- workout or 30 mins cardio (if applicable);
- get ready for work;
- eat breakfast/pack lunch;
- pack workout clothes (if applicable) for lunch-hour gym trip or immediately after work;
- get kids up/dressed;
- pack lunches;
- somehow get boots on;
- fight over which Spider-man backpack to send them to school with.
Take away: schedule stuff that gets you rolling in the morning but also takes into account all those other life goals that are important to YOU, not someone else.
Yes, there’s still time for gratitude journaling and contrast showers and checking IG. It’s just that some of that stuff is easier to do if you’re 23 and your only dependent is a moody cat and your prized banzai cacti.
– Coach Bryan