Protein Pixie Dust

Back in the 90’s I worked for a Canadian distributor of EAS sports supplements. Now this wasn’t the EAS we know today, that of low quality generic products designed for the less than discerning Walmart bargain shopper. This was the EAS from Back In The Day, when the Phillips brothers were at the helm, Muscle Media was the number one muscle rag on the newsstands, and a plain white powder called...

Remain Underground

One of my side ventures? Writing bios for fitness guys, either for their websites or whatever product or book they happen to be launching. It’s fun work and I enjoy doing it. When I eventually see the finished bio in print, 90% of the time it’s different from what I’d sent them. They either emphasize a service they offer or perhaps play down an accomplishment that I thought was cool. Most also...

The Ghost Dieter

Scott, an old friend from way back, sent me a message through my blog. “Hey man, long time no talk. Great to see you’re still following your passion.” I got a laugh out of that. My passion? I guess he’s right. I started down this road in ’93 or ’94, checking memberships and mopping floors at a gym in my hometown. I started training myself years before that, somewhere in the late ‘80’s. That’s a...

Old School Smarts

I’m jealous of young lifters. The average 20-something starting his or her lifting journey couldn’t have arrived at a better time. Quality information is readily available. The best of it is absolutely free and accessible 24 hours a day. You don’t even need a computer to read it -- thanks to smart phones you can have it in class, on the bus, even in the bathroom, if you’re the multitasking type....

Eat This: Cinnamon Carrot Chips

So it’s well established that I can’t cook well. Sure, I can make a mean protein pancake and I can certainly grill a steak, but an actual, full-on Food Network type culinary throwdown? I'd fail. The good news is that I live in New York City. I can’t go five feet from my apartment without stumbling onto something tasty, convenient, and even healthy. Granted, the ratio of bagel and pizza joints to...

The Fitness Fluffer

The calendar doesn’t lie. I’ve been in the fitness industry for 25 years. In that time I’ve worn many different hats. • Front desk attendant and, "Please remove your weights from the Hammer Strength machine” guy. • Fitness assessor. • Lousy personal trainer, i.e., "Here’s how you use a Hammer Strength machine" guy. • Weight training tech support, i.e., "Explain how to use a Hammer Strength...