Oh, that diet. Again.

Back in 1996 I told a bodybuilder friend/mentor whom I really looked up to about this new diet I was following. “You eat zero carbs but lots of fat and it tricks your body into surrendering bodyfat while sparing muscle.” My mentor wasn't too impressed. "Oh yeah, THAT diet. Again." I protested. “No, this diet is NEW and totally cutting edge. You also get to stuff your face with carbs on the...

The Rock Lied: It Does Matter!

If I could click my Jordans together three times and make anything disappear it would be the overplayed, too-cool-for-school It Doesn’t Matter schtick: How many reps should I do? » "Doesn't matter. Just work hard." Can I eat toast, or should I stick with oatmeal? » "Doesn't matter. A carb is a carb." Dumbbell presses or barbell presses? » "Doesn't matter. Just lift." What and when should I eat...

Happy Birthday, Arnold Schwarzenegger

I’m a bit late but I’m sure he won’t mind. A lot of guys like me cite Arnold as their inspiration for first picking up a weight or choosing a career in fitness. Others more thoughtful view Arnold as the ultimate example of the American dream: the peculiar immigrant with the even more peculiar accent taking full advantage of the opportunities afforded to him by a generous nation to achieve...

Everything Matters and Everything Is Connected

Just today someone asked about my “coaching philosophy.” That's not even bullshit. Seriously, someone did ask me. But do take note, when you read “people always ask me...” you can comfortably assume there’s a trailer load of horseshit on the way. Anyway, after I was asked, I ended up thinking a lot about it and decided it was this: “Everything Matters.” Not exactly “go heavy or go home” or “if...

The *Actual* Fundamentals of Physique Progress

As a coach, one of the biggest lessons you learn is that folks tend to think they’re way more advanced than they really are. On a scale of 1-10 in terms of development (with 10 being a Pro, and 1 being a rookie) most believe they’re in the 7-8 range, and just need a few cutting edge secrets to get to 9 or beyond. I mean they’ve been working out for YEARS, how could they not be upper-tier, right?...

The New Hybrid Workout Program

The gyms are back open! Sure, you might have to deal with scheduling workouts and social distancing protocols. Who cares? You're back in your happy place, your iron sanctuary, your— —or... maybe not yet? After a few months away and a whole lot of adapting, folks are starting to dig training at home. At least that's what many clients are telling me. Which is surprising considering how out of sort...

The Washington Redtails

The Washington Redtails. Clever. Hits a lot of notes (military, black history) most everyone could get behind. Even keeps "red" in the mix for easy brand reckoning. Years ago I had a Native Studies prof who was an OG in the "pro sport teams should change their names" movement. However, she didn't have a problem with names like Sioux or Blackhawks or even Indians and Chiefs. If anything naming...