The invaluable lessons of tracking macros

Whenever possible I ask clients to track daily macros. It's highly effective for getting in shape, is easy to report, requires engagement to do right, and demands accountability. It also leads to a few precious "aha" moments: "I can't believe that single mistake erased my entire calorie deficit." 90% of these involve trail mix, peanut butter, red wine, granola, and pasta. These alone make macro...

3rd Annual Silverback Summit

Got anything planned for mid-November? I sure do. And you should join me! For the third year, Ali Gilbert, the "Queen of Men’s Health” and one of my favorite people in the health & fitness space, is hosting the Silverback Summit—the ultimate event for coaches focused on men’s health. What is the Silverback Summit? The Silverback Summit is.... different. It’s the only cutting edge men’s...

I’m 51. Will I have enough time?

Here’s my 7 year-old son and me, right before he started second grade. I’m 51, so you could say I showed up late to the Dad game. I’ve never suffered from any standard old-dad anxieties. I couldn’t care less if I’m the oldest Dad at the park or get mistaken for Grandpa. I’d rather be a Jacked Gramps than a Fat Dad any day. But one philosophical question that's bothered me on occasion has been,...

Flexibility in diet and programming

A big reason flexible dieting works is that it dramatically reduces stress. All food is now suddenly fair game. More importantly, from a practicality and sustainability perspective, on-the-fly changes, travel modifications, and restaurant meals become SO much easier—just as long as you hit the numbers. But did you know you can have the same flexibility with your programming? Here are just a few...

Flexibility and fat loss

Fat loss is simple. Just not not easy. A sustained calorie deficit, while not the ONLY thing, is definitely number one. But for many just achieving a sustained deficit is the definition of easier said than done. It's because so many real-world obstacles come up. From the internal like low energy, cravings, hunger, and poor sleep; to the external like travel, family, work requirements, social...

Happy New Year! 🎉 Er, wait…

Happy New Year! You read right. September 1st or the day after Labor Day signals the start of the real New Year. It’s when summer ends, school starts, and much of the corporate world emerges from it's summer siesta. It’s also when many people decide it’s time to buckle down and get into or (back into shape. And as a coach I’m here for it, because this is the BEST time of year to get the muscle...

Dieting difficulties? Audit your self-talk

Is dieting difficult? Maybe you need to rewrite your story. No, not revise your history—there’s more than enough “truth massaging" in this field already. I’m talking about changing how you think about and describe your relationship with food. For example, one of my clients always says he loves to eat BIG. But he’s also in the midst of a fat-loss phase right now and routinely responds to any drop...