Hunger versus cravings; how to take back control

Understanding the difference between hunger and cravings can literally determine if your fat loss diet is a success. Hunger is literally the physical distress caused by lack of food. Period. A food craving is an intense desire for a specific food. They can be triggered by emotions, stress, and environment. Someone can even experience strong food cravings without feeling hungry, which is yet...

Motivation: the reward lies in the journey

Motivation is tricky. Losing motivation can be interpreted as "the goal just isn't important to me anymore, or at least not worth the amount of work I gotta put in." But is that really the case? Because, in my experience, complaints of losing motivation occur after a stretch of rough or busy weeks that led to: * too many missed meals or off-plan eating or too much alcohol * skipped workouts *...

Remembering what really matters

The New Year is almost here. Like everyone working in fitness I have a LOT to do. Training programs to design, emails to answer, newsletters to write, client consults to prep for. And “helpful content” to create. None of which is rocket science. But it’s all time consuming, especially if you’re of the mind that any work worth doing is worth doing well. And I can always put in more effort, make...

Selecting a plan that fits your mental model

Some people need strict and specific eating directions. It's not always a knowledge or experience thing. They just do better when things are laid out in VERY black and white terms. i.e. "8 oz grilled or baked chicken or turkey breast." On the other hand, some respond much better to looser, no-counting type recommendations like "a palm sized portion of lean meat or fish." You can make intelligent...

Confidence is a big part of successful fat loss

While the basic physiological tenets, like a sustained calorie deficit, HAVE to be in line, a so-so plan you believe in 100% will be more successful than a Perfect Plan that you just don’t think is good enough to work. That’s the reason so many people get into shape following such wildly different approaches. As long as the basic principles are respected, anything can work — if you can stick to...

Getting Lean in 2025 starts TODAY

I’m gonna let you in on a secret that I learned over 25 years ago, when I was cutting my teeth as a personal trainer and (desperately) trying to “look the part,” when we all used to worry about that kind of thing. 😉 Back in those days I ALWAYS struggled with food around the Holidays, and as a result would enter the New Year feeling more chunky than fit. Yes, even me. Despite setting up silly...

Why make things harder?

While contest dieting for the Olympia, Dorian Yates would dream he was bingeing on sausages and fast food. He’d wake up panic-stricken, and for a brief moment, he'd think he had just eaten those foods. And then he'd remember—he doesn't keep junk food in the house. So, arguably the most focused bodybuilder of all time wasn’t 100% confident in his willpower. Nor did he feel it wise to test it...