Recently a question was posted in the Physique Mastery Movement group coaching support community from Adam Wilks in regards to an ideal rep range for fat loss.

Adam asked, “I’m in a deficit and essentially depleting for competition. Should I even be working in a 6-7 rep range for strength building? Shouldn’t I be looking to stay in the 10-15 rep range to continue to burn fat and chase that pump?”

Adam is certainly not alone in this thought process. So in this episode of the Physique Mastery Podcast coaches Bryan Krahn and Scott Tousignant address this question in hopes of clearing any confusion on the topic of high reps for fat loss.

Listen via iTunes: Physique Mastery podcast on iTunes

Listen via Stitcher: Physique Mastery podcast on Stitcher

Listen via Soundcloud: Physique Mastery podcast on Soundcloud

Today’s episode is also on YouTube if you want to see us in action…


Enjoy the episode… and as always, we appreciate your feedback. If you have any topics you’d like us to cover in future episodes, feel free to send us an email or post them in the comment section below.